But, Here's a summary of my last whinge:
No job, had ambition and aspirations, but no direction.
But here I am, one week away from moving to France to start a Master's at a top business school, ready to start a career and to bookend the laziness and self-disappointment of previous years and what my blog contained before.
Hopefully, i'll be able to tell you all about what i've been doing, and where i am going. interspersed with reviews and musings of pop culture, current TV i watch and video games i play.
A recruitment agent told me earlier this year if i want to get where i want to, i should start a blog and write about insight. Hopefully here i'll be able to articulate and analyse what i see and hear into something you want to read and enjoy, encourage discussion perhaps, or just argue about how awesome things are.
It looks like i've forgotten to do most of the things i knew about blogging so this seems like a good time to get into the groove and remember how to write.
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